Prague has identified suitable areas for the development of innovative industry

Prague has identified suitable areas for the development of innovative industry


Representatives of the capital city discussed the future and development of industry in Prague with representatives of the innovative industry, urban planning experts and academics at a conference entitled Developing the City for Industry and Innovation, held on Wednesday 28 February 2024. Together, they also looked for opportunities for the creation of a city Science and Technology Park.
The main theme of the conference was the future of industry in Prague and during the presentations and discussions the analysis of production and development areas of the Institute of Planning and Development of the capital city of Prague was presented. Discussions focused on their possible use, greater cooperation between the public and private sectors and the possibility of creating a Science and Technology Park. This should help create an ecosystem, a technological and knowledge base for innovators, and catalyse especially interdisciplinary projects that have the potential for leapfrog improvements.

There are dozens of research organisations, institutes, universities, incubators, development centres and innovative company factories operating in Prague. The Science and Technology Park can play an important role in cooperation between them. This crucial role has been lacking in Prague so far compared to other European cities and some Czech regions.

Wednesday's conference also brought a unique interdisciplinary connection. Scientific and technical experts from the innovative industry, representatives of the public sector, as well as experts in urban planning and development sat at joint discussion tables.